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Pitta Nature Tours

With visits to the Great Salt Lake, Zion National Park, the Beaver Dam Conservation Area, and Kolob Plateau, this will be a memorable tour highlighting the variety of birds and places Utah has to offer at the height of migration.

In partnership with the Great Salt Lake Bird Festival.

Upcoming Tour Date(s)

May 12-15, 2025 During the Great Salt Lake Bird Festival.

7 of 7 Spaces Available


Itinerary subject to change due to weather, birding conditions, and other factors out of our control.

Clark's Grebe

Day 1 - Mon, May 12 From the Great Salt Lake to the Desert

To make the most out of our 4-days, we will be departing SLC at 6:00 AM today.  If you are flying in before the tour, we will help you plan accommodations for pick up this morning, and if you are a Utah resident, we will provide meeting details prior to the start of the tour.

Our first highlight will be a visit to the Great Salt Lake where migrant shorebirds, waterfowl, and other waterbirds should be a nice introduction to the region.  Long-billed CurlewSnowy PloverWilson’s Phalarope, and American Avocet are some of the shorebirds we expect to encounter.  Eared Grebe, American White PelicanNeotropic Cormorant, and both Clark’s Grebe and Western Grebe should be some of the other waterbird highlights this morning.

After spending the morning indulging in the habitats around the lake, we’ll begin our journey to southwest Utah and the northern edge of the Mojave desert.  The drive takes about 4-hours, but we may break this up with several stops for birds along the way depending on current conditions.  After checking in to our hotel and having dinner, we'll head to higher elevations and after dark we’ll see what nocturnal species we can track down.  In the past, we’ve located Common PoorwillNorthern Saw-whet OwlNorthern Pygmy-Owl, and even Spotted Owl at this location.  The focus tonight will be the Flammulated Owl, one of the smallest owls in the world, and Utah is one of if not the best place in the world to see this species.  Once we’ve exhausted our Owling opportunities, we’ll make the drive back to the hotel for the night.

Night in Hurricane

California Condor

Day 2 - Tue, May 13 Great Zion Birding

Visiting a boulder strewn canyon we will try to find the elusive and fairly uncommon Rufous-crowned Sparrow—this is the only place in Utah to find this bird. We should see things like Black-throated Sparrow, Rock Wren, and Say’s Phoebe as well.

A nearby Ghost Town along a riparian corridor often provides some of the best birding in the area. While we hope for some migrant songbirds, it’s not uncommon to see a variety of colorful local breeders there like: Yellow-breasted Chat, Blue Grosbeak, Summer Tanager, and from time to time—Vermilion Flycatcher.

From here, the drive to the Kolob Plateau will take us through juniper, oak, pine, and aspen woodlands, allowing for a large diversity of species and possibilities. Black-chinned Sparrow, Juniper Titmouse, Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay, Pygmy Nuthatch, Grace’s Warbler, and Lewis’s Woodpecker are some of the species we hope to track down. Other possible highlights include Vesper Sparrow, Cassin’s Finch, Violet-green Swallow, Mountain Bluebird, and Western Bluebird. At the highest elevations we will spend some time scouring the skies for the elusive California Condor and enjoying the reprieve from the desert heat.

Eventually we will wander back to the lowlands, and transfer to a hotel in St. George for our last 2 nights. This evening we will do some light birding around town, before calling it a night.

Night in St. George

Scott's Oriole

Day 3 - Wed, May 14 The Mojave and Lytle Ranch Preserve

Leaving before sunrise we’ll make our way to Utah Hill to look for Gray Vireo and Scott’s Oriole at sunrise. Descending into the Beaver Dam Conservation area, we’ll cross the Beaver Dam Slope and its unique Joshua Tree forest. Here birds like Cactus Wren, Black-throated Sparrow, and Ash-throated Flycatcher thrive. In the Beaver Dam Wash, we’ll visit the Lytle Ranch Preserve—a migrant trap known to boast one of Utah’s most diverse property lists. Breeding species we’ll focus on finding include Brown-crested Flycatcher, Black-tailed Gnatcatcher, Verdin, Lucy’s Warbler, Phainopepla, Bell’s Vireo, and Costa’s Hummingbird. While the Mojave specialists are a treat, on the right morning during migration there is no telling what we may find. Tanagers, Grosbeaks, Buntings, Warblers, Flycatchers, Thrushes, and even birds of prey use the cottonwoods here to refuel on their treks north for the spring. We’ll walk the length of the ranch and back and see what this morning holds.

As it typically gets quite warm in the desert this time of year, our birding will likely wrap up by 11am at the latest. Afterwards, we’ll grab lunch at a local cafe in a small desert town, before ascending into the Pine Valley Mountains to escape the heat and see what montane species we can track down. High on the list are birds like Pygmy Nuthatch, Clark’s Nutcracker, Western Tanager, and some years we even track down Northern Pygmy-Owl here.

After dinner tonight we will spend some time trying for Lesser Nighthawk and Western Screech-Owl around town.

Night in St. George, Utah

Greater Roadrunner

Day 4 - Thu, May 15 Desert Bird Cleanup

It’s cleanup day! We will likely have a small number of target birds we haven’t picked up yet, and this morning will allow us to casually jump from park to parks around town making sure we’ve seen everything we planned on. Birds like Crissal Thrasher, Abert’s Towhee, Hooded Oriole, and Vermilion Flycatcher can often be finicky, so our clean up spots will hopefully make sure we leave with all of this wonderful desert color. We will make the most of the morning birding up until lunch, and then hitting the road north to get everyone back to SLC/Farmington between 4-5pm.

End of Tour!

2025 Pricing

On Sale - $150 off 2024 Tour Prices!

Single Room

You’ll have your own room for the duration of the tour.

Max Participants: 12
$1,349 per person
Book Now  
Want to Stay Longer?

Interested in birding with us before or after this tour? We can help plan a custom private itinerary that ties into this tour to maximize your travel time and provide even more birding opportunities. There are also numerous field trips during the Great Salt Lake Bird Festival.

What's Included & What to Expect

What to Expect on Your Tour

To make the most out of our 4-days, we will be departing SLC at 6:00 AM on Day 1.  If you are flying in beforehand we will help you plan accommodations for pick up this morning, and if you are a Utah resident, we will provide meeting details prior to the start of the tour. At the end of the tour, we will drop you off in SLC or Davis County by 6:00 PM.


Throughout the tour, we will travel in our comfortable 12-person Transit Van (aptly named Otus).  Since this tour caps at 7 people, that means each of our 3-rows in the back has just 2-people, with the 7th passenger riding shotgun.  Lots of room to stretch out with your gear and not feel like a sardine in a tin.  Throughout the tour, we'll switch up seating arrangements so everyone gets a different view day-to-day.  

We provide a step stool for easy access in and out of the van and ice-cold water is available whenever you need from the back of the van with a custom tour water bottle provided for you to keep at the beginning of the tour.


Accommodations are typically quite comfortable and we favor newer accommodations when available.  For this tour we stay at the newly constructed Comfort Inn in Hurricane, and the Comfort Inn at the St. George Convention Center.


Breakfasts will usually be boxed and eaten in the field.  Some mornings we may eat at hotels if time permits with our itinerary.  Lunches will include both sit-down restaurants, and sandwiches to go. Most dinners are at our favorite local restaurants, but depending on birding we may take a boxed dinner into the field or provide a picnic dinner. Water and soft drinks are included with meals, but alcoholic drinks ARE NOT.  They may be purchased on your own with meals.


The pace of the tour is medium-fast--we cover nearly 1,000 miles in 4-days and have several early mornings and late nights to pick up our target birds.  We usually reserve afternoons for travel or to relax at the hotel, but with 14-hours of sunlight in May, we often have long days. 


For the most part, the tour is not physically demanding. We will take numerous short hikes typically on mostly even ground, trails, and roads. We will bird between 2,000-8,000' in elevation so there is some elevation but nothing too bad. During the days in the Mojave, the temperatures can reach 100 degrees even in May, so be prepared for the hear.

Weather and Temperature

If the weather stays nice during the tour, day time highs will be in the 70's in the mountains, and in the 80's-100's in the valleys and desert. Night time lows in the desert won't drop below 70, and in the mountains we might drop into the high 40's. It is generally dry this time of year, but if rain is in the forecast we will recommend rain jackets.

Insects, Snakes, and Predators

Oh my!  Mosquitoes can be found at most places we will be visiting, so protective clothing or repellent is highly recommended. Biting flies and sand fleas will likely be encountered at various locations as well.  There are several species of Rattlesnake in Utah, but we have not encountered them on any tours.  With that being said, please be aware it is possible to encounter them.  And lastly, there are both Black Bear and Cougar in the Mountain West, but in 15+ years of guiding I have never encountered either during a tour!

Non-bird Highlights

  • Upper Zion National Park
  • Red Cliffs
  • Desert Reservoirs
  • The Kolob Plateau
  • Beaver Dam Conservation Area
  • Desert Sunrises & Sunsets
  • 10-20 Possible Mammal, Reptile, and Amphibian Species
  • Some really good food!

What's Included

  • Professional Guide Service
  • Transportation from SLC
  • 3-nights Accomodations
  • Meals from Breakfast on Day 1 to Lunch Day 4
  • Spotting Scope while Birding
  • Water for Refreshment
  • Birds—we’ll find some birds
  • Some Flammtastic Tour Swag
  • Delightful Conversation about Birds
  • A Thoroughly Enjoyable Time!
We also include SFW dad jokes, witty bird puns, and the occasional commentary on things non-bird related!

What's Not Included

  • Alcoholic Drinks
  • Binoculars
  • Cameras and Lenses
  • Personal Flashlights/Headlamps
  • Bug Spray
  • Jackets or Sweaters
  • Shoes and Socks
  • Flights or Transportation to Utah
We highly recommend all of the above ;)

Still have questions? Ready to book a tour? Either way tapping the buttons below will put you in touch with us!

Past Utah Highlights Tours

2024 Utah Highlights Tour
May 13-16, 2024
2024 Utah Highlights View Trip Report

2022 Utah Highlights Tour
May 11-14, 2022
2022 Utah Highlights View Trip Report

California Condor
May 3-7, 2019
2019 Utah Highlights Read Recap

Recent Photos from this Tour

Still have questions? Ready to book a tour? Either way tapping the buttons below will put you in touch with us!